Lately, on Facebook I shared a file dealing with kids pictures. The text explained that those were not nice pictures of cute children with cute dogs. They were pictures of worried and scared dogs and unaware kids. Pictures showing potentially dangerous circumstances.
Anyone looking at those pictures and shares them never looks at the expression on the dog's face or at the dog's body language or expression that shows the dog's feelings. It often happens many times. Often, the only response to these pictures of dogs is choosing whether to click "Like" or not, never really having a careful look at the dog.
The ears are bended back |
The gaze is looking away |
Anyone looking at those pictures and shares them never looks at the expression on the dog's face or at the dog's body language or expression that shows the dog's feelings. It often happens many times. Often, the only response to these pictures of dogs is choosing whether to click "Like" or not, never really having a careful look at the dog.
The sclera or "white of the eye" |
The mouth is shut, the face is drawn |
Then I was notified of a photo roll, the most striking element in it was a greyhound terrified by a stranger in a provoking and menacing position. That dog was screaming all of its fear, being unlistened to all. Many other dogs in that photo roll were showing clear signs of fear, stress and diffidence. Nonetheless, people clicked "Like" many times.
The mouth is wide open, the corner of the lips are stretched back |
The ears are bended back |
Still, you just look at the "Ethogram of stress behaviors of the dog" to read those signs and feel the uneasiness of the unlistened to - or worse abused-dog.
The ears are bended back |
The gaze is looking away |
Text Alexa Capra
Photos Daniele Robotti
23 May 2014
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